Gain National Recognition for Construction ExcellenceParticipate in the AIC Awards Process for Construction Ethics
Each year, AIC recognizes individuals and organizations that exemplify the values of the American Institute of Constructors and the Constructor Certification Commission. Our values include construction excellence, achievement, professionalism, and public service to the industry.
These awards are an important aspect of the activities of AIC. More importantly, the awards serve to support the goals and ideals of recognizing our peers in the industry for outstanding achievement and commitment.

AIC Individual and Corporate Awards
The Lifetime Achievement Award. A maximum of one award is given each year to an individual who has demonstrated a profound effect on construction education over a lifetime of achievements or activities that promote the core values of AIC and support the development of the next generation of professional construction leadership in the United States. The Award is named in honor of Francis R. Dugan, FAIC and Roger Liska, Ph.D., FAIC, CPC, who have embodied the achievements this Award is intended to recognize. Throughout their careers, many industry professionals, educators, and students have benefited from their generous contributions and tireless efforts in support of ethics, improving the professionalism of the construction industry, and higher education in construction.
This award is for a talented person who has gained high visibility in the construction industry. The recipient need not be an AIC member. However, the recipient should have established a reputation of integrity and fair dealing. It may be that recipient is head of a contractor’s association, executive of a large construction company, someone who was a team leader of a successful high-profile mega-project, etc.
This award is to honor AIC’s young members who have distinguished themselves by their conduct in their work life, their dedication to their profession and their effort on behalf of the American Institute of Constructors in local/chapter and/or national operations of the Institute.
The purpose of this award is to honor company/corporation leaders who have by voice and action encouraged colleagues/employees to join and support the American Institute of Constructors and who have taken a visible leadership role in the American Institute of Constructors.
This award is for construction educators/academicians who have distinguished themselves in teaching, research and/or service in the advancement of the construction profession, the nominees’ institution of learning, the construction industry and their country.
The Stephen P. Byrne Achievement is for an individual who has actively supported and promoted Constructor Certification within their respected organization and the industry at large. The individual does not need to hold a certification or membership within the AIC but may only win the award once.
The National Construction Company Award of Excellence is awarded to a company that promotes and rewards Constructor Certification within the organization in the personnel recruiting, hiring, evaluation and personnel development processes and has at least one CPC employed in the company. The same company can only receive the award for no more than two consecutive years.
Deadline to nominate is January 10, 2025.
2023 Award Winners
- AIC Liska Dugan Lifetime Achievement Award – Dave Mattson, Sr., FAIC, CPC
- The Jack Kinnaman AIC Leadership Award – Hugh Cronin, AIC, CPC, LEED AP, PMP
- AIC WA Klinger Construction Education Award – Penny Knoll, MS, FAIC, CPC
- AIC Constructor Certification Commission Stephen Byrne Award – Rick Lawrence, FAIC, CPC
2022 Award Winners
- AIC Liska Dugan Lifetime Achievement Award – Andrew Wasiniak, FAIC, CPC
- AIC Member Award – Easy Foster, AIC, CPC, RTSBA, LEED AP BD+C
- AIC Constructor Certification Commission Stephen Byrne Award – Garry Claflin, CPC
- AIC Constructor Certification Commission National Company Award of Excellence – Bert Turner Department of Construction Management, Louisiana State University
- AIC WA Klinger Construction Education Award – Hugh Cronin, AIC, CPC, LEED AP, PMP
- The Jack Kinnaman AIC Leadership Award – Tanya Matthews, FAIC, ISP
- AIC Walter Nashert, Sr Constructor Award – Martin Garza, CPC
2021 Award Winners
- AIC Liska Dugan Lifetime Achievement Award: Jim Nissen, CPC
- AIC Award: Murray Papendorf, MBA, FAIC, CPC
- AIC Constructor Certification Commission Stephen Byrne Award: Dennis Bausman, Ph.D., FAIC, CPC
- AIC Constructor Certification Commission National Company Award of Excellence: Conroe Independent School District Planning and Construction Staff
- AIC WA Klinger Construction Education Award: Lana Coble, Ph.D., FAIC, CPC
- The Jack Kinnaman AIC Leadership Award: Gregg Bradshaw, FAIC, CPC
- AIC Walter Nashert Constructor Award: Charles Berryman, Ph.D., FAIC, CPC
2019 Award Winners
- AIC Award: Bruce Demeter, FAIC
- W.A. Klinger Award: Mike Tramel
- CCC Company Awards: Turner Construction Company and Fulcrum
- Walter Nashert Constructor Award: Bruce Demeter, FAIC
- Stephen P. Bryne Award: Dennis Bausman, Ph.D., FAIC, CPC
- Founder’s Award: Bruce Demeter, FAIC
AIC Testimonials
View these testimonials of construction professionals that have benefited from their participation in AIC to advance their career.